Our Charity Program

Our Charity Program

Because we had an upswing in the market last year and we had been seeing growth on our listings we decided to launch a charity campaign that is now turned into a continuing program!!  

We really need YOUR help to guide us by letting us know what charities you think should receive a portion of our commission from our listings, not only are we looking to #donate money, but to also help promote a #goodcause by finding ways to give back through company growth. In the last few years Tom Hoehn has been involved with mentoring at risk youth, all this has helped him realize how many charities are out there which is why we cannot emphasize enough how important your suggestions are!

Throughout this program we will be open to suggestions on different charities that you think should receive a portion of our commission to, if the client buying or selling hasn’t already chosen one themselves.

Please call 562-244-8602, email (marketing@tomhoehn.com), or use social media using #tomhoehnrealestate to reach out to us for more details.